Scholarship Programs

Westminster Academy proudly accepts Florida’s School Choice Scholarships, administered through Step Up For Students. Thanks to legislation signed by Governor Ron DeSantis in 2023, these scholarships are now available to all families, regardless of income.

At WA, we believe that parents are entrusted by God with the responsibility of raising and educating their children. Our role is to partner with families and the Church to equip the next generation for Christ. This legislation affirms that parents should have the power to choose their child’s education, and we fully support it.

We encourage all WA families to apply as there are no income restrictions.

School Choice Scholarships

Westminster Academy accepts the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program and the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities. These programs are administered through Step Up For Students, a state-approved scholarship funding organization.

The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program (FTC) was created to empower families to pursue and engage in the most appropriate learning options for their children.

The Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities provides Florida students with special needs the opportunity to attend a participating private school.

To access the application or for more information, please visit or call 877.735.7837.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When should I apply for the scholarship?

Apply as soon as Step Up for Students sends an email notification that the application window is open in the EMA portal. This applies to both new applicants and re-enrollments.

  • Current scholarship recipients must reapply annually.
  • Parents of PK4 students can apply now for Kindergarten eligibility in the next school year.

2. Where do I apply?

Apply through the Education Market Assistant (EMA) portal, accessible via the Step Up for Students website: Step Up for Students Login.

How can I check my application status?
Log into the EMA portal to check your application status.

  • If the status is Draft or On Hold, your application is incomplete and requires action.
  • If you need assistance, contact Step Up at 877.735.7837 or use the online chat. Help videos are also available on the Step Up website.

3. Can the school check my application status?

No. The school does not have access to your EMA account. You must contact Step Up directly for updates.

Important Security Note:
If you forward an email from Step Up that contains an EMA access link, the school cannot access your information. The link is exclusive to the parent’s registered email.

5. Which program should I apply for?

Step Up for Students offers multiple scholarship programs. You cannot apply for both FES-EO/FTC (including FTCPEP) and FES-UA at the same time.

  • Private School Students: Apply for FTC (Florida Tax Credit) or FES-EO (Family Empowerment Scholarship – Educational Option).
  • Students with Disabilities: Apply for FES-UA (Family Empowerment Scholarships for Students with Unique Abilities). A student must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) to qualify.
  • Do NOT apply for PEP (Personalized Education Program) or Transportation unless homeschooling.

6. Do I need to reapply for next school year?

Yes, all students must reapply each year.

  • Renewal families will receive an email from Step Up with a link and instructions. A new Award ID is issued annually.
  • New families should visit Step Up for Students to apply.

Finalizing EMA Enrollment:
Once approved, you must log in to accept or decline the scholarship, as required by Florida law.

7. What should I do after receiving my Award ID?

  • Ensure the New Award ID is different from the current year’s ID.
  • WA must receive the new Award ID, Student ID, Award Type, and Award Amount to enroll your student in EMA.
  • If WA does not complete the enrollment step, Step Up will assume your student is not enrolled, and the school will not receive scholarship funds.

8. Why does WA need my Award amount?

The award amount helps determine your tuition payment plan. Send your Award amount as shown in the EMA portal.

9. How are scholarship amounts determined?

Scholarship funding is based on:

  • Student’s grade level
  • County of residence

10. Why is my FACTS payment plan amount different from EMA?

FACTS tuition plans initially use the current scholarship award amount. New award amounts are usually released in August and will be updated in FACTS accordingly.

11. Is there a deadline for EMA enrollment?

Yes. Parents and the school must complete the student’s EMA enrollment by the deadline specified in Step Up emails. Contact Step Up if unsure of the dates.

12. What happens if my student isn’t enrolled in EMA by the deadline?

  • The scholarship amount may be reduced.
  • The student may not receive the full award amount.

Final Step: Accept EMA Enrollment
After WA enrolls your student in EMA, parents must accept the enrollment in EMA. If this step is skipped:

  • Step Up assumes the student is not enrolled at WA, and
  • The school will not receive scholarship funds.

13. Why is the tuition amount in EMA higher than FACTS?

WA provides Step Up with the maximum tuition and fees a student may incur, including optional program fees. Your actual tuition due is based on the amount listed in FACTS.

14. How is the scholarship paid?

Step Up disburses funds in four quarterly payments throughout the school year.

  • Payment details are available on the Step Up website.
  • Contact Step Up for the payment schedule if needed.

15. During the school year, when I see “Funded’ in EMA, what steps do I need to take?

  • “Funded” means that your quarterly funds are available in EMA to be distributed to your school.
  • Parents must approve each quarterly payment in EMA before funds are sent to the school.
  • You will receive an automatic notification quarterly when action is needed. Please log in to EMA to approve your student’s upcoming payment to Westminster Academy.
  • Step Up sends reminder emails and texts if payments remain unapproved.
  • Funds are reflected in your FACTS account in approximately two weeks.

16. How will the scholarship appear in my FACTS payment plan?

  • Until all state funds are received, the scholarship amount will show as a balance due, with a May 16 scheduled payment date.
  • Step Up’s quarterly payments received by WA will reduce the scheduled May 16 balance due and payment.
  • Do not make payments toward this balance—state funds will cover it.

For more information, visit Step Up for Students or contact Step Up directly.

The Folds of Honor Children’s Fund Scholarship subsidizes the costs of tuition, school books, fees, approved educational tutoring, and other approved educational expenses for children of America’s fallen and disabled service-members. .

Scholarships are awarded up to $5,000. The award amount is based on the “unmet need” calculated on the Financial Need page of the application.

The Scholarship application is open from February 1 to March 31 each year.

For information about the Folds of Honor Children’s Fund Scholarship, please visit their website at or email: