
Annual Fund Drive, October 28

Annual Fund Drive, October 28

Our Annual Fund Drive is coming up from October 28-November 1! Every year, the school strives for a high level of participation in giving from the School Board, faculty, staff, current families, alumni, alumni families, grandparents, and friends of the school. For the fifth consecutive year, we are celebrating 100% School Board, faculty, and staff participation in the Annual Fund!

The Annual Fund supports our school’s operations and provides the margin of excellence that creates the WA experience. Our 2024-25 Annual Fund goal is $925,000. You may direct your gift to an area of interest within the Annual Fund that is most meaningful to you.

  • Investing in People (Partial tuition assistance for students, compensation initiative to retain and attract faculty)
  • Strengthening Programs (Athletics, fine arts, and robotics)
  • Enhancing Places (Improvements to our east and west campus properties and facilities)

Headmaster’s Council members (a gift of $2,500+) receive free admission to home athletic events, two tickets for the auction, and one school play. ’71 Society members (a gift of $5,000+) are invited to three annual gatherings designed to foster communication between school leadership and our donor community. These gatherings provide valuable insights into the issues important to our school community and empower members to serve as informed ambassadors.

Your tax-deductible donation may be mailed to the school or made online at wa.edu/donate, where you may also set up a recurring gift. Please contact Sarah Hajduk, Director of Development, at 954.815.7201 or hajduks@wa.edu to further discuss opportunities for impact at WA.

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. II Corinthians 9:8
