Westminster Academy Is Recognized By The College Board For AP Excellence

Westminster Academy Is Recognized By The College Board For AP Excellence

Westminster Academy was recently recognized on the Silver AP 2024 School Honor Roll, coupled with an AP Access Award, and a prestigious platinum rating in the area of College Optimization. This is the second year that the College Board has recognized schools through an honor roll, and the second year WA has received this status. These accolades highlight the school’s commitment to fostering a supportive environment where students can excel academically and effectively prepare for college.

Silver AP 2024 School Honor Roll & AP Access Award

The Silver AP 2024 School Honor Roll recognizes schools that have expanded student access to Advanced Placement (AP) courses while maintaining or improving student performance on AP exams. With 23 AP course offerings, Westminster Academy has demonstrated its dedication to providing high-quality, rigorous education that prepares students for college and beyond. The AP Access Award further underscores this commitment by acknowledging the school’s success in expanding opportunities for students across diverse backgrounds to participate in AP courses. This award reflects Westminster Academy’s approach to challenging students to engage with college-level material and supporting them through resources and guidance to thrive in these courses.

Platinum Rating in College Optimization

In addition to the AP School Honor Roll recognition, Westminster Academy has earned a platinum rating in the area of College Optimization, distinguishing itself as a leader in preparing students for higher education. This rating emphasizes the school’s unique approach to advanced coursework and its focus on promoting balance and strategic planning for students in pursuit of academic excellence. A notable achievement within this rating is that over 19% of Westminster Academy’s Class of 2024 took five or more AP exams during their high school years, with at least one exam taken as early as the 9th or 10th grade. This structured approach allows students to distribute their AP experiences across multiple years, minimizing pressure in any single academic year and promoting sustained, balanced engagement in challenging coursework.

Westminster Academy’s commitment to a thoughtful, strategic AP experience speaks to the school’s dedication to college preparation by empowering students to explore a wide array of subjects, gain confidence, and develop essential skills that will benefit them in college and beyond.