Grades 6-8 WA Spelling Bee

Grades 6-8 WA Spelling Bee

This week, fifteen grades 6-8 students competed in our annual spelling bee. After studying a list of over 400 words, seventh-grade student Sam Harms became our Spelling Bee winner, and eighth-grade student Max Sawisch the runner-up! The competition was intense, with no third-place winner as several contestants were eliminated in the same round.

The final showdown between Sam and Max was epic. The championship word, “aesthetic,” secured Sam’s victory. Max gave a strong performance and came close to taking the title during the nail-biting rounds.

The journey doesn’t end here! The top 25 spellers from each county who pass the regional qualifier in February will advance to the 85th Annual Miami Herald South Florida Spelling Bee In-Person Spelldown in March. Best of luck to Sam!