Author: Amy Randolph

We are thrilled to share that the 2024 Passport to Paris auction, presented by Benedetti Orthodontics, was our most successful auction ever! Together, we raised over $580,000, including $78,000 for the renovation of the Faculty Lounges. Our teachers are thrilled that this project will begin in early June!Congratulations to Brent and Anastasha Steele, who won the $5000 tuition credit for next school year and thank you to all who purchased tickets for the drawing! With much to celebrate, we also have many to thank! This event would not be possible without the generous in-kind donations of local businesses. In addition,...

Congratulations to Alonso Collins on his commitment to play football at Howard Prep in the fall. We’re proud of Alonso for his hard work and dedication to the WA football program! Way to go, Alonso!Congratulations to Cooper Allen on his commitment to play football at Johnson C. Smith University in the fall. We’re proud of Cooper for his leadership and dedication to the WA Football program! Cooper is the fourteenth student-athlete of the Class of 2024 to sign a National Letter of Intent to play at the next level. Way to go, Cooper!Varsity Baseball: The Varsity Baseball team won the...

Westminster Academy Lower School and PREP honor dads all month. We kicked off the celebration with our annual Kindergarten Donuts with Dad event. Students enjoyed special time with Dad, making crafts, singing, and, of course, eating donuts. PK3 students had a special morning hosting Dine and Dash with Dad. The students showed their dads how to “pop see ko” and enjoyed a donut party. Later in April, the PK4 students will welcome dads to the Dad is My Superhero event. The students will wear masks and capes while having cookies with their Superhero Dads. Our youngest students have prepared a...

Our sixth-grade students enjoyed Overnight Adventure Atlantis at Kennedy Space Center and Universal Studios earlier this month. The trip was a thrilling educational experience for our students as they explored the history and advancements of space exploration and spent the night under the Space Shuttle Atlantis. They also went behind the scenes at Universal Studios for a rollercoaster physics lesson. Students learned about mathematical engineering and design concepts. It was a culminating experience for our sixth-grade students and an opportunity to build community and lasting relationships....

Congratulations to our WA District 7 Thespian Troupe 8570 for their outstanding performances at the 2024 Florida State Thespian competition in Tampa. We are excited to announce that all high school students who performed received an excellent or superior rating! In addition to their performance pieces, the students participated in various workshops and watched two fabulous mainstage performances of Newsies and The Miracle Worker. We are proud of our students sharing their God-given talents for His glory!SUPERIOR Monologues—Luis RamirezSUPERIOR Solo Musical—Madison SandersEXCELLENT Small Group Musical—Brady Oropesa, Erin Fitzgerald, Lexi D’Aleo, Luis Ramirez, Madison Sanders, Mia Harms, Olivia Oropesa, Reese Mathis, Ryder...