School News

We’re looking forward to a week of school spirit in honor of Winter Court with dress-up days, hallway decorations, the Winter Court representative’s presentation in the Upper School chapel, and Friday’s pep rally. All festivities lead to the Winter Court Men’s Varsity Basketball game at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, February 2, against Taravella High School. Before the big game, The Lions Parent Association (LPA) Mane Event Team is hosting our Second Annual Chili Cook-Off at 6:30 p.m. The Mane Event Team is seeking ten parent contestants to compete to be the “WA Chili Cook-off Champion.” (Please click here to view full registration...

Westminster Academy Fine Arts students participated in the Florida Music Education Association Professional Development Conference this past weekend, January 10–13, in Tampa, Florida. Three Westminster Academy students were selected to perform in the 2024 All-State Concerts! Congratulations to Sean Harms for performing in the All-State High School Honors Orchestra, Isabella O’Connor for performing in the All-State Middle School Honors Orchestra, and Madison Sanders for performing in the All-State SSAA High School Choir. Westminster Academy and the Fine Arts department are proud of their outstanding achievements and tremendous performances!...

We are excited to share two great opportunities next week to take in the talent of the Westminster Academy Fine Arts students. On Tuesday, January 23, join us in the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church Sanctuary at 7:00 p.m. for the Festival of the Arts. You will experience performances from the band, orchestra, choirs, drama, art, and broadcasting. It will be a wonderful time for all ages, so invite your friends and family! End the week with the Westminster Academy Thespian Showcase Night on Friday, January 26, at 7:00 p.m. in the DeVos Chapel. Be entertained by our theater students as they...

Our annual dinner auction, Passport to Paris, presented by Benedetti Orthodontics, will be held on Friday, March 22, at 6:30 p.m. at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa. Please save the date for this exciting evening of fellowship and fundraising for our school. Ticket sales begin February 8. This is the largest fundraising event of the year, so please get involved! Simply provide a letter and acquisition form to a business on behalf of Westminster Academy when you are out shopping, dining, or a patron at a local business. All donations are tax-deductible. Please visit to donate auction...

It’s not too late to add your business to the LPA Business Directory. This is an avenue for current WA families and alumni families to raise awareness of their businesses and services in the WA community. The school is frequently asked for referrals to companies affiliated with WA, and the online directory is convenient for families. Visit and click “Add Listing.” Click here to download step-by-step instructions. The fee to be included in the directory is $250. All proceeds support the work that the LPA does for our school, including faculty and staff appreciation, hospitality at school events, treats for students,...