Spiritual Life

Upper school students heard from renowned author and speaker Tony Reinke in chapel. He addressed technology, cell phones, social media, and their impact on our lives. Tony Reinke is an author, non-profit journalist, and senior teacher for Desiring God—an international ministry with 14,000+ free resources and 3.5 million+ monthly users started by John Piper. Tony’s current work centers on how we best flourish in the tech age saturated by innovation, media, and enough on-demand video to fill our eyes for a hundred lifetimes. Tony is the author of several books, including 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You, Competing Spectacles: Treasuring...

Exploratory courses in PREP are designed to discover and develop each student’s unique gifts and talents for God’s glory. This year, we expanded the exploratory programming with a new course called Joyful Gestures. Joyful Gestures is a service learning program rooted in the Bible. Inspired by verses like Acts 20:35, where Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” students embark on meaningful adventures of compassion and generosity. By serving others, they experience the joy of following Christ’s example and positively impacting their community. Through various projects and activities, they discover the joy of helping others, cultivating empathy,...

Last month the PREP division hosted Spiritual Emphasis week for students in grades 3–6. Pastor Travis Owens, Student Ministry Pastor from Virginia, was the guest speaker, and the theme was Cultivate. Each day of the week, students attended a chapel where Pastor Travis introduced a new key to success and then visited classrooms to follow up with students. The week concluded with Pastor Travis reviewing the four keys to success, Know the Word, Be in the Word, Meditate on the Word, and Obey the Word. In addition, a new Superhero “Captain Cultivate,” demonstrated what cultivating meant, and sixth grade participated...

Moms in Prayer International aims to impact students and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering mothers to pray. Join other WA mothers in praying for our school each Friday school is in session at 8:00 a.m. at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church on the Gangway patio (entrance on the southwest corner of CRPC). Our WA moms join the Moms in Prayer purpose: to pray that our children will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, then stand boldly in their faith to pray for teachers and school staff to provide support and encouragement to moms who carry heavy burdens for their children to...