
Westminster Academy is ranked #1 in the category of Best Christian High Schools in Broward County by for the fifth year in a row, with an A+ overall rating! We’re grateful for the faculty and staff who make Westminster Academy a school of excellence. In addition to the number one ranking, Westminster Academy is in the top 10 Best High Schools for Athletes in Broward County (public and private), the top 10 of the Best Christian High Schools in Florida, and the top 100 of the Best Christian High Schools in the Nation! It is truly an exciting time to be a...

Our Homecoming Game is next Friday, October 20, at the west campus Athletic Complex, located at 3701 NW 44 Street in Lauderdale Lakes. The Lions Varsity Football team will take on the SmartEn Sports Academy Goats! Admission is $5 (cash only) for adults. Students and alumni receive complimentary admission. Show your school spirit and wear red, white, and blue! 5:30 p.m. Alumni Tailgate 6:00 p.m. Pregame Food and Festivities & Alumni Athletic Hall of Honor Ceremony 6:30 p.m. PawPrint Parade 7:00 p.m. Kickoff The Lions Athletic Club is hosting a BBQ! Pulled pork platters, hamburgers, hot dogs, and concessions will be available. Both cash and...

This fall, our Advancement Team launched our Student Ambassador Program. These high school students serve the office of the Headmaster and the Advancement Team, representing Westminster Academy on campus and in our community. Student ambassadors share the mission and story of our school at various events with current and prospective families. As part of the experience, the student ambassadors were invited by the D. James Kennedy Center for Christian Statesmanship to represent Westminster Academy at the Distinguished Christian Statesman Award Dinner. This year’s recipient was Senator Tim Scott. Established in 1995, the D. James Kennedy Center for Christian Statesmanship is a...

The Westminster Academy Athletic Hall of Honor was established in 2014 to honor the men and women who have made outstanding contributions to the WA Athletic program over the last five decades. The mighty Lions have been blessed by a distinguished athletic legacy, and we want to recognize and honor our exceptional alumni, coaches, and contributors who were instrumental in the success of our athletic program. The alumni selection committee includes WA Alumni Board members, teachers, and coaches. Congratulations to our 2023 inductees: Female Athlete: Jessica Nava ’18, Swimming Male Athlete: Paul Atkinson ’17, Basketball Coach: Coach Buddy Pressley, Athletic Director, Basketball 1994–2002 Team:...

We are excited to see our students fully engaged while serving, competing, performing, and reflecting! Here are just a few of the recent highlights: The Grades 7–8 Student Council organized a collection drive for Every Mother’s Advocate Grades 7–8 spent a day at the Circle F Dude Ranch Camp for a Spiritual Retreat with a message from Bryan Vidal, Director of Student Ministries at Coral Ridge The National Honor Society spent time with the residents at the Alzheimer's Center in Lauderdale Lakes The National Honor Society and Green Club worked in the community garden at The Fruitful Field to provide...