
The lower school has concluded the year on a high note, with many wonderful events that welcomed parents on campus to celebrate them and also test their knowledge. First grade hosted their parents for “Are you smarter than a first grader?” in which each parent was paired with their child and asked questions related to topics the first graders have been learning throughout the year. The participants had to quickly hit a buzzer once they thought of the answer and were given an opportunity to respond accurately. Ultimately, after two rounds, the students emerged victorious over their parents again this...

Varsity Softball—Congratulations to the Varsity Softball team for ending their season as District Champions, defeating Boca Christian 15–0. They finished the season with a 19–7 record. Varsity Baseball—Congratulations to the Varsity Baseball team as they became District Champions defeating Sagemont 14–10. They won their Regional Quarterfinal game and will advance to the Regional Semifinal game, where they will play John Carroll High School on Friday, May 12, at 6:00 p.m. at the Lawnwood Baseball Complex in Fort Pierce. Track and Field—Congratulations to the Men’s Varsity Track and Field team as they advanced to become District Champions. Individual District Champions include: Fisher Blake (Javelin) ...

This week’s email from the Institute for Faith & Culture features an article from Westminster Academy Headmaster Dr. Joel Satterly. In it, he addresses the need for the intentional development of a worldview.  Believers should turn to the scriptures for remedy; they must form an accurate picture of the world’s brokenness and beauty from God’s revealed truth—a Christian worldview—to be able to act restoratively. —Dr. Satterly The Institute for Faith & Culture is a ministry of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. Its goal is to equip culture-shaping Christians for the marketplace and the common spaces in society where ideas are formed, values are defined,...

We are excited about the fun-filled summer we’ve planned for our campers in preschool through those going into sixth grade in the fall!  Registration is open for our Preschool & Elementary Camps and WA Sports Camp. Camp WA offers a wide range of structured activities that are age-appropriate and loads of fun! This activities-based camp is open to children turning two before September 1 through those going into the sixth grade in the fall (going into the eighth grade for Sports Camps). Camp WA provides a fun, safe, and secure environment at an affordable price. Most of all, our dedicated staff...

​Dear WA Community, In times gone by, the Sunday afternoon drive was a popular pastime. The notion of “just going for a drive” as a form of entertainment has gone the way of the Dodo bird (a replica of which one can view at the American Museum of Natural History in NYC, which I visited while watching our students perform in Carnegie Hall). Riding along and gazing at the scenery with wonder at new sights and sounds has been replaced—all too often—with some sort of virtual reality. My point is not to yearn for a purported genteel and cultured age but...