
​​Dear WA Community,  The first Tuesday, after the first Monday in November, is Election Day. The significance of that day is not lost, as the airwaves, mailboxes, and most street corners attest. Nor should we ignore its importance, for as Christian citizens, we have a duty to participate in the electoral process. But, even more than a duty, we have the opportunity to participate civically in our own governance. This is a blessing, a rich heritage, and the envy of much of the world. While that particular Tuesday in November is critical to our republic, it is not the only date early...

Westminster Academy is ranked #1 in the category of Best Christian High Schools in Broward County by for the fourth year in a row, with an A+ overall rating! We’re grateful for the faculty and staff who make Westminster Academy a school of excellence. Thank you to all who have left such great reviews. In addition to the number one ranking, Westminster Academy is in the top 5 Best High Schools for Athletes in Broward County and the top 3% of the Best High Schools for Athletes in Florida, which include all schools—public and private! It is truly an exciting time...

During the week of October 24, grades 3–6 participated in Digital T.H.I.N.K. Week, which was led by PREP Principal Dr. Rebekah Owens. The purpose of this week was to help students make thoughtful and positive choices with technology while recognizing that their choices affect their community and themselves. T.H.I.N.K. stands for T (trustworthy), H (helpful), I (inspiring), N (necessary), and K (kind), and students were asked to reflect on whether the choices they were making on the computer reflected these values. Each day of the week focused and expanded on one of these topics. Discussions included evaluating whether you could trust...

We are very proud of our WA Athletes. Here is a recap from the Fall Season: Ladies’ Cross Country The Ladies’ team finished 3rd place overall in districts, with 7th grader Claire Chanon placing 1st individually, with Senior teammate Marlo Hibler finishing 3rd individually. In Regionals, the ladies finished 4th place overall, with Claire placing 2nd individually and Marlo placing 3rd. The team advanced onto the State meet at Apalachee Regional Park in Tallahassee, where Claire and Marlo finished in the top 50 runners. Men’s Cross Country The Men’s team finished 2nd overall in Districts with highlighted individual performances by Tanner Pritchard, who placed...

Our third 5-Day Annual Fund Drive held in late October was a great success raising $88,500, which includes a generous $25,000 matching gift! The goal was to reach 50% parent participation by the 50th day of school. We are so grateful for 243 current families who have already made a donation this school year. While we are still making progress towards 50% parent participation, we are confident we will reach our goal by December 31. Each day videos were shared highlighting how gifts to the Annual Fund invest in people, strengthen programs, and enhance places on our campuses. Special thanks to...