Fine Arts Tag

This past Saturday, our WA Junior Thespians showcased their talents at the District Competition held at Somerset Academy in Pembroke Pines. Competing in a range of performance and technical theater categories, they earned an impressive nine Superior and 20 Excellent ratings from the judges. A special shoutout to Akaila Bhola (Grade 6), who received Honorable Mention/Judges Choice for her outstanding marketing designs! Our Junior Thespians will move on to the State Competition in Orlando, February 13–16, 2025. Congratulations to our talented students! Solo Musical: Emory Lanier—“It’s Possible” from Seussical, SUPERIOR Grace Barbar—“The Life I Never Led” from Sister Act, SUPERIOR Abby...

We have a lot going on in the first semester—be sure to mark your calendars and save the dates: October 18—Homecoming & Alumni Tailgate October 20—WA Sunday at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church November 11—All School Veteran’s Day Chapel November 19—Grades 6–8 Fall Choir, Orchestra and Band Concert, CRPC Sanctuary November 14—WA Open House December 6—Sporting Clay Tournament December 12—WA presents: The Wonder of Christmas, CRPC Sanctuary December 13—Christmas Program (PK3–PK4), CRPC Sanctuary December 19—Lower School Christmas Program (K-3), CRPC Sanctuary We look forward to seeing you at these events!...

We are excited to offer Discover After-School Enrichment Clubs led by our very own faculty and staff for the first quarter. The clubs are designed to provide a safe, fun, and stimulating environment for Lower School and PREP students after the regular school day ends. Through these clubs, we seek to enhance the educational experience by offering a variety of engaging activities that provide academic support, physical activity, and personal growth. We have intentionally designed each club to foster creativity, critical thinking, and social skills.  Club fees are $120 plus a $10 supply fee if needed. These clubs will meet once...

As we begin the second semester, we have much to look forward to. Be sure to mark your calendars and save the dates: January 23—Festival of the Arts Benefit Concert January 26—Lions Parent Association Connect (Learn how to get involved) January 26—Thespian Showcase Night February 2—Lower School/PREP Boosterthon February 3—Winter Court/Chili Cook-Off February 7—Conference Day (PK2–Grade 8) February 15—Grandparents Day (PK2–Grade 2) March 22—Passport To Paris Dinner Auction, presented by Benedetti Orthodontics April 6—Father Daughter Dance (Kindergarten–Grade 6) April 9—Spring Choir Concert and Art Show April 19–21—Spring Musical Mary Poppins, presented by Collision Care Xpress April 23—Spring Band & Orchestra...

The high school choir performed at Carnegie Hall in New York City on April 3 as part of the Masterworks Festival Chorus with the New York City Chamber Orchestra. Select schools from around the country make up the choir of 200 voices as they performed “Jubilate Deo” by Dan Forrest and conducted by Dr. Pearl Shangkuan. Dan Forrest was also commissioned to write the arrangement of Great is Thy Faithfulness for Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church’s 60th anniversary last year. Along with this exceptional performance, the choir made stops at historical landmarks around the city, like Lincoln Center, Rockefeller Center, and Juilliard...