Lower School Tag

With the start of school behind us and a lot already happening at Westminster Academy, it can be challenging to keep up with everything. Below is a list of the tools we use to communicate and celebrate what’s happening in our school community. FACTS Family Portal The FACTS Family Portal is part of the FACTS Student Information System that Westminster Academy uses to allow parents and students to view academic information such as grades, attendance, homework, and other resources. You may log in by clicking FACTS Family Portal on the menu at the top-right of our website. The FACTS Student Information System is...

On Wednesday, May 10, we had the privilege of having Dr. Ben Carson on campus to speak to students in grades K–12. Dr. Carson has served as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, among many other accomplishments. In 2016, Dr. Carson accepted the position of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the Trump administration. After completing his tenure as the 17th Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development in 2021, Dr. Carson founded the American Cornerstone Institute. This organization is focused on fighting for the principles...

The lower school has concluded the year on a high note, with many wonderful events that welcomed parents on campus to celebrate them and also test their knowledge. First grade hosted their parents for “Are you smarter than a first grader?” in which each parent was paired with their child and asked questions related to topics the first graders have been learning throughout the year. The participants had to quickly hit a buzzer once they thought of the answer and were given an opportunity to respond accurately. Ultimately, after two rounds, the students emerged victorious over their parents again this...

We are excited about the fun-filled summer we’ve planned for our campers in preschool through those going into sixth grade in the fall!  Registration is open for our Preschool & Elementary Camps and WA Sports Camp. Camp WA offers a wide range of structured activities that are age-appropriate and loads of fun! This activities-based camp is open to children turning two before September 1 through those going into the sixth grade in the fall (going into the eighth grade for Sports Camps). Camp WA provides a fun, safe, and secure environment at an affordable price. Most of all, our dedicated staff...

We are excited about the fun-filled summer we’ve planned for our campers in preschool through those going into sixth grade in the fall!  Registration is now open for our Preschool & Elementary Camps and WA Sports Camp. Camp WA offers a wide range of structured activities that are age-appropriate and loads of fun! This activities-based camp is open to children turning two before September 1 through those going into the sixth grade in the fall (going into the eighth grade for Sports Camps). Camp WA provides a fun, safe, and secure environment at an affordable price. Most of all, our dedicated...