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The Lower School/PREP Fun Run was held yesterday, February 8, and was a huge success, beating the original goal and raising over $60,000! These funds will help provide playground equipment and technology. Students from PK2 through sixth grade spent two weeks getting pledges and receiving prizes. Booster visited classrooms and talked to students about how to choose to live with character every day through Booster's brand new character theme, Grand Land Adventure. The event culminated on the field with the run, and older students got an extra special treat—a color run! A special thank you goes to our Community Partner, Benedetti Orthodontics,...

As we begin a new semester, please save the date for these upcoming events! Tomorrow! January 13:  Coffee with the LPA—“Anxiety: Strategies and Tools for Helping Your Child Deal with Anxiety.” Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Owner of Lighter Living Counseling, and alumna, Sheilah Abadines ’06 Ledesma, will be our guest speaker. February 4: Chili Cook-off presented by the Mane Event team prior to the Winter Court Basketball Game February 23: Coffee with the LPA March 31: Fishing Tournament April 4: Coffee with the LPA Uniform Bank Open on Conference Day—February 1 The Uniform Bank will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00...

Thank you to our WA community for your generosity! Since the beginning of our fiscal year on July 1, we have received over $320,000 towards our Annual Fund goal of $600,000. Combined with designated donations, total giving exceeds $448,000. The Westminster Academy Annual Fund serves to invest in people, strengthen programs, and enhance places on our campuses. Click here to view videos produced by our broadcasting students that demonstrate the impact of your gift. Every gift to Westminster Academy has an exponential impact. You are investing in Christ-centered education, shaping the hearts and minds of students, who will be tomorrow's leaders....

Our third 5-Day Annual Fund Drive held in late October was a great success raising $88,500, which includes a generous $25,000 matching gift! The goal was to reach 50% parent participation by the 50th day of school. We are so grateful for 243 current families who have already made a donation this school year. While we are still making progress towards 50% parent participation, we are confident we will reach our goal by December 31. Each day videos were shared highlighting how gifts to the Annual Fund invest in people, strengthen programs, and enhance places on our campuses. Special thanks to...

The Lions Parent Association Business Directory is a wonderful resource to connect the WA community to businesses affiliated with current WA families, as well as alumni families. This convenient online directory is a great tool when you are seeking services for your home, a medical provider, a restaurant to dine at this weekend, and much more! Visit wa.edu/lpabiz to view current listings and there is also an icon on the WA App. The LPA is seeking more current WA families and alumni families to advertise their businesses. The cost to be included in the directory is $250 and your listing will...